BDSM Hot Candle Wax Play – An Introduction

If you are into sensation play as part of your BDSM activities, then using hot candle wax is one of the most intense and exhilarating experiences to undergo.

The effect of the hot wax is to make the skin feel extremely sensitive as well as causing the brain to release endorphins for that wonderful sub-spacey feeling.

[bctt tweet=”Hot candle wax is one of the most intense and exhilarating experiences in BDSM”]

Soy BDSM Hot Wax Candles Black Red Purple

Click here to buy Soy Wax Play Candles from Affordable Leather Products

How do I Use Soy Candles for BDSM Hot Candle Wax Play?

As mentioned, Candle Wax Play in BDSM can be a very intense sensation, so it is sensible to ensure you take the proper safety precautions before starting to make sure that you enjoy the play and won’t end up paying a visit to hospital or calling the Fire Brigade…

The first thing to remember is that Bondage Candles are not the same as ordinary candles. Normal candles are made from paraffin wax or beeswax which have a high melting point and it is possible for these to burn or scald your subject’s skin.

The soy-based kinky candles we sell have a much lower melting point, reducing the risk of causing problems.

[bctt tweet=”Soy-based kinky candles have a much lower melting point than regular candles”]

Please note that whilst these BDSM candles melt at a lower temperature that regular candles, your subject will still get a slight sensation of pain as the wax hits, however this can be reduced by dripping the wax from a greater height.

Once they’ve got used to the sensation, it can feel fantastic!

How do I do hot wax play safely?

When starting with candle wax play there are a few important safety points to bear in mind, especially if you’re the person who is dripping the wax on someone else:

1) Keep the candle at least 18 inches (45cm) away from the skin to start with. This allows the wax to cool slightly as it falls through the air.

2) Check the temperature on yourself before you start on your subject. Try dropping some of the wax onto your forearm or thigh from the height you’ll be dripping it on your partner. If you think that the sensation is too intense, then they may well think the same. If this happens, try from a greater height.

[bctt tweet=”Check the temperature of hot wax on yourself before you start on your subject”]

3) As you drip the wax, the skin will start to become more sensitive, so as you continue, bear this in mind and ensure you get feedback from your subject (using safewords if necessary) to ensure you don’t accidentally go beyond their limits.

4) Do NOT forget that you are using a naked flame! Some man-made fibres, especially those which are used to make cheap kinky outfits and fetish wear can be extremely flammable, so make sure that you keep them well away from the candle.

If you need to put the candle down, blow it out first or have a bowl or plate to put it on to ensure that it can’t roll off and set light to anything else.

Where should I use hot wax on the body?

To start with, it’s best to begin by dropping wax from the BDSM candles onto the less sensitive parts of the body such as the back and shoulders. If your subject is ok with this, then you can start moving to areas which are more sensitive such as the buttocks, front of the thighs or stomach, however we recommend that you stay away from the navel as the hot wax can accumulate there and intensify the heat.

Although it’s tempting to target the genitals and breasts or nipples, we recommend that you do not start trying wax play on these parts until you have gained more experience in controlling the fall of the hot wax and understanding the sensations that result from it.

We definitely advice strongly against dropping wax on the face, risking it getting into the eyes or mouth or nostrils is extremely dangerous and could have serious consequences.

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How do I remove the candle wax after play?

Remember that, as hot wax starts to cool, it will tend to solidify and will make it more difficult to remove from the skin and especially from hairy parts of the body, so it may be advisable to shave the target area before starting unless you’re into depilation play!

Also be aware that the wax will stick to fabrics, so if you’re playing on a bed or above a carpet, put down an old sheet which you won’t mind getting messed up.

You can, of course, simply use your finger nails to scrape the wax off your subject, however do remember that the skin can be very sensitive following hot wax play, so you might want to take it easy (unless your subject is into intense sensation!)

[bctt tweet=”Skin can be very sensitive following hot wax play, so be gentle”]

Another way of removing the old wax is to use the blunt back-edge of a kitchen knife to gently scrape it off the skin. If you dip the knife into warm (not hot!) water before you start, it will help soften the wax a little to aid in removal.

We do not recommend using oil on the skin before wax play. Although it may seem a good way to assist removal, some oils can concentrate the heat (this is known as frying!) and others can actually be flammable under certain conditions.

Have you tried wax play with bondage candles?

Do you have any advice or suggestions that would be of benefit to those who are new to BDSM Candle Wax Play? Let us know in the comments…

Published by Graham

Founder and owner of Affordable Leather Products, making and selling leather bondage and BDSM gear since 1993!

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  1. Thanks, Affordable Leather.

    I’ve tried ordinary candles before but found they were too hot and intense but the Soy Candles sound like they could be ideal.

    Great post!

    1. @Kaiden

      We’re glad that you liked our post, we definitely think that your wax play will be better with the low temperature soy candles and we hope you enjoy it 🙂

  2. Thanks for a great introduction. My partner and I have been thinking about buying wax play candles for some time now and when we read your article it answered the questions we had. We bought some of your lovely candles and had a great time trying them out.

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